Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Monday, 27 April 2015
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Ketugadu Movie Trailer | Ketugadu Movie Trailer | Ketugadu 2015 movie Trailer | Ketugadu 2015 film trailer
Starcast: Biryani Hero Tejas as Hero and New Face Chandini as Heroine. Suman, Prudhvi, Rajiv Kanakala, Ajay, Saptagiri & Praveen are in other important roles.
Producer: Balasani Venkatesh
Music: Sai Kartheek
Story, Screenplay Direction: Kittu Nalluri
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Saturday, 25 April 2015
Friday, 24 April 2015
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Monday, 20 April 2015
జనసేà°¨ à°…à°§ిà°¨ేà°¤ , పవర్ à°¸్à°Ÿాà°°్ 'పవన్ à°•à°³్à°¯ాà°£్' à°¨ు కలసిà°¨ 'à°¶్à°°ీà°œ'
à°¤ీà°µ్à°° à°…à°¨ాà°°ోà°—్à°¯ంà°¤ో à°¬ాధపడి పవర్ à°¸్à°Ÿాà°°్ 'పవన్ à°•à°³్à°¯ాà°£్' à°“à°¦ాà°°్à°ªుà°¤ో à°¤ిà°°ిà°—ి à°•ోà°²ుà°•ుà°¨్à°¨ 'à°¶్à°°ీà°œ' తన తల్à°²ిà°¦ంà°¡్à°°ుà°²ు à°¨ాà°—à°¯్à°¯,à°¨ాగమణి à°¸ోదరి à°·à°°్à°®ిà°² à°¶్à°°ీ లతో కలసి à°ˆ à°°ోà°œు (à°¸ోమవాà°°ం) ఉదయం తన à°…à°ిà°®ాà°¨ నటుà°¡ు పవర్ à°¸్à°Ÿాà°°్ 'పవన్ à°•à°³్à°¯ాà°£్'à°¨ు ఆయన à°•ాà°°్à°¯ాలయంà°²ో à°•à°²ిà°¶ాà°°ు.
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Sunday, 19 April 2015
Saturday, 18 April 2015
With a vision to become a pillar of strength and become the protector of Telugu heritage, culture and its people, the North America Telugu Association (NATS) was formed. With the motto of ‘Bhashe Ramyam-Seve Gamyam’, it grew with passing time and today it has earned a permanent place in the hearts of many.
The prestigious ‘NATS America Telugu Sambaraalu’ is held once in two years grandly and this year, it is going to be held on July 2nd, 3rd, 4th at Los Angeles. The venue happens to be a vast land measuring 300,000 sft and it is very close to the world famous Disneyland Theme Park. In that 50,000 sft is being catered for stalls. The event is going to be held in the presence of 500 important dignitaries from different parts of America and arrangements are made to accommodate 10,000 people. The NATS organizers are arranging separate venues for art, cultural and business related events accordingly. Today i.e. April 18th, NATS Premiere League Cricket tournament will be inaugurated. Teams from different cities that win in this tournament will face each other during the NATS event in July. The Sambaralu will also have drawing competition for kids from all parts of America, several meetings related to women empowerment, spiritual programs with discourses from enlightened speakers.
The organizers have confirmed the list of dignitaries for the event include Spiritual Guru Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji, Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Sri Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Telangana Chief Minister Sri K Chandra Sekhara Rao, Justice Jasti Chalameshwar, AP legislative assembly speaker Kodela Sivaprasad Rao, Andhra Pradesh Endowments Minister Manikyala Rao, AP Health Minister Kamineni Srinivasa Rao, Telangana Legislative Affairs and Mines Minister Harish Rao, AP Civil Supplies Minister Smt Paritala Suneeta, Former Union Minister Smt Daggubati Purandeshwari, Chairman of Kuchipudi Natyaramam Kuchibotla Anand. From the Telugu film industry, the list of personalities include Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna,Rajendra prasad , K Raghavendra Rao, Gopichand, Kajal Aggarwal, Nani. As part of the cultural, music and entertainment programs, noted personalities such as Tanikella Bharani, noted singer Dr Ghazal Srinivas, Anup Rubens, Vandemataram Srinivas, Ananth Sriram, Sirasri, Bhaskarabhatla Ravikumar, Telangana people singer Goreti Venkanna, Swarnakka, ‘Ammapaata’ Tirupathanna and others will be attending.
The details regarding the prestigious event were revealed by former heads of NATS Dr Madala Ravi and Desu Gangadhar at an exclusive press meet organized in Filmnagar Club. A special message has come from NATS conference Chairman Dr Ravi Alapati and Chief Ravi Achanta like this : “The 2015 NATS America Sambaralu to be held in July will be filled with lot of entertainment from start to finish like never before. It gives us immense happiness in presenting the lifetime achievement award to the esteemed industrialist Mr Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao for taking the pride of Telugu people to a new level.”
The program which was coordinated by film writer Sirasri was attended by NATS India coordinator Raju Alapati, NATS dignitaries Ratheesh Adusimilli, Prasanna Kota, Gopi Achanta, Vinay Jonnalagadda, Amar Anne, Kishore Mallina, T G Vishwa, People Tech Kutumba Rao and others.
The prestigious ‘NATS America Telugu Sambaraalu’ is held once in two years grandly and this year, it is going to be held on July 2nd, 3rd, 4th at Los Angeles. The venue happens to be a vast land measuring 300,000 sft and it is very close to the world famous Disneyland Theme Park. In that 50,000 sft is being catered for stalls. The event is going to be held in the presence of 500 important dignitaries from different parts of America and arrangements are made to accommodate 10,000 people. The NATS organizers are arranging separate venues for art, cultural and business related events accordingly. Today i.e. April 18th, NATS Premiere League Cricket tournament will be inaugurated. Teams from different cities that win in this tournament will face each other during the NATS event in July. The Sambaralu will also have drawing competition for kids from all parts of America, several meetings related to women empowerment, spiritual programs with discourses from enlightened speakers.
The organizers have confirmed the list of dignitaries for the event include Spiritual Guru Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji, Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Sri Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Telangana Chief Minister Sri K Chandra Sekhara Rao, Justice Jasti Chalameshwar, AP legislative assembly speaker Kodela Sivaprasad Rao, Andhra Pradesh Endowments Minister Manikyala Rao, AP Health Minister Kamineni Srinivasa Rao, Telangana Legislative Affairs and Mines Minister Harish Rao, AP Civil Supplies Minister Smt Paritala Suneeta, Former Union Minister Smt Daggubati Purandeshwari, Chairman of Kuchipudi Natyaramam Kuchibotla Anand. From the Telugu film industry, the list of personalities include Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna,Rajendra prasad , K Raghavendra Rao, Gopichand, Kajal Aggarwal, Nani. As part of the cultural, music and entertainment programs, noted personalities such as Tanikella Bharani, noted singer Dr Ghazal Srinivas, Anup Rubens, Vandemataram Srinivas, Ananth Sriram, Sirasri, Bhaskarabhatla Ravikumar, Telangana people singer Goreti Venkanna, Swarnakka, ‘Ammapaata’ Tirupathanna and others will be attending.
The details regarding the prestigious event were revealed by former heads of NATS Dr Madala Ravi and Desu Gangadhar at an exclusive press meet organized in Filmnagar Club. A special message has come from NATS conference Chairman Dr Ravi Alapati and Chief Ravi Achanta like this : “The 2015 NATS America Sambaralu to be held in July will be filled with lot of entertainment from start to finish like never before. It gives us immense happiness in presenting the lifetime achievement award to the esteemed industrialist Mr Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao for taking the pride of Telugu people to a new level.”
The program which was coordinated by film writer Sirasri was attended by NATS India coordinator Raju Alapati, NATS dignitaries Ratheesh Adusimilli, Prasanna Kota, Gopi Achanta, Vinay Jonnalagadda, Amar Anne, Kishore Mallina, T G Vishwa, People Tech Kutumba Rao and others.
Friday, 17 April 2015
Thursday, 16 April 2015
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Son of Satyamurthy Audio Sucessmeet - Allu Arjun, Trivikram Srinivas, Samantha
S/O Satyamurty Audio Success Meet/ S/o Satya Murthy Audio Success Meet/ S/O Satyamurti Audio Success meet/ S/o Satyamurthy song trailers/ Son of Satya Murthy Song Teaser/ S/o Satyamurthy Song Trailer/ Son of Satyamurthy Songs/ S/o Satyamurthy all Songs Juke Box/ S/o Satyamurthy Dialogue Trailer/ S/o Satyamurthy Release Trailer/ S/o Satyamurthy Making Video
Main Starcast: Allu Arjun, Samantha, Adah Sharma, Nitya Menon, Rajendra Prasad, Sneha, Pavitra Lokesh, Rao Ramesh, MS Narayana, Brahmanandam, Kota Sreenivasa Rao, Upendra, Ali
Music Director: Devi Sri Prasad
Producer: Radha Krishna
Banner: Haarika & Haasini Creations
Director: Trivikram Srinivas
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Tuesday, 7 April 2015
S/O Satyamurty Release Trailers || Allu Arjun,Trivikram Srinivas, Samantha, Adah Sharma, Nitya Menon
Son of Satya Murthy Song Teaser/ S/o Satyamurthy Song Trailer/ Son of Satyamurthy Songs/ S/o Satyamurthy all Songs Juke Box/ S/o Satyamurthy Dialogue Trailer/ S/o Satyamurthy Release Trailer/ S/o Satyamurthy Making Video
Main Starcast: Allu Arjun, Samantha, Adah Sharma, Nitya Menon, Rajendra Prasad, Sneha, Pavitra Lokesh, Rao Ramesh, MS Narayana, Brahmanandam, Kota Sreenivasa Rao, Upendra, Ali
Music Director: Devi Sri Prasad
Producer: Radha Krishna
Banner: Haarika & Haasini Creations
Director: Trivikram Srinivas
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S/O Satyamurty Making Videos || Allu Arjun,Trivikram Srinivas, Samantha, Adah Sharma,
S/o Satyamurthy Making Video/ Son of Satyamurthy Making/ S/o Satya Murthy Movie Making/ S/o Satyamurti Movie Making
Main Starcast: Allu Arjun, Samantha, Adah Sharma, Nitya Menon, Rajendra Prasad, Sneha, Pavitra Lokesh, Rao Ramesh, MS Narayana, Brahmanandam, Kota Sreenivasa Rao, Upendra, Ali
Music Director: Devi Sri Prasad
Producer: Radha Krishna
Banner: Haarika & Haasini Creations
Director: Trivikram Srinivas
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Yevade Subramanyam Movie Takes - Nani, Malavika Nair, Vijay Deverakonda, Ritu Varma, Priyanka Dutt
Yevade Subramanyam Movie Making shots/ Yevade Subramanyam Movie taking shots/ Yevade Subramanyam promotion
Nani, Malavika Nair, Vijay Devarakonda, Ritu Verma are in lead roles. Director: Nag Ashwin. Producer: Priyanka Dutt
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Tripura Movie Opening - Naveen Chandra, Swathi Reddy
Tripura Movie opening Pooja/ Tripura Movie Opening.
Boyapati Sreenu, Comedian Ali graced the occassion
Naveen Chandra and Swathi Reddy are in lead roles.
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Kakateeyudu Movie Trailer Launch - Taraka Ratna, Yamini, Shilpa Reddy
Kakateeyudu Movie Trailer Launch/ Kakatiyudu Trailer launch/
Kakatiyudu Movie theatrical Trailer/ Nandamuri Taraka Ratna Kakateeyudu Movie Trailer/ Kakateeyudu Movie official Teaser/ Kakateeyudu Trailer/ Kakateeyudu Starcast/ Kakateeyudu Songs/ Kakateeyudu movie all songs Juke box/ Kakateeyudu Scenes.
Sri Dasari Narayana Rao attended as Cheif Guest for this function.
Nandamuri Tarakaratna, Yamini, Shilpa Reddy are in lead roles.
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Monday, 6 April 2015
Sri Cheerla Movies Production No 1 Movie Opening - Tanish, Mohitha
Sri Cheerla Movies Production No.1 Movie Opening Pooja/ Tanish and Mohitha are in lead roles.
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Appudala Eppudila Trailer Launch - Suryatej, Harshika Poonacha
Appudala Eppudila Movie Trailer Launch/ Appudala Eppudila Teaser/ Appudala Ippudila Trailer/ Appudala Eppudila Theatrical Trailer/ Appudala Eppudila Movie Trailer/ Appudala Eppudila Movie Teaser/ Appudala Eppudila Song teaser/ Appudala Eppudila Movie Songs/ Appudala Eppudila Movie all songs Juke Box/ Appudala Eppudila Star Cast
Appudala Eppudila Starcast: Surya Tej, Harshika Poonacha in lead roles. Suman, Naresh in other important characters.
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Sunday, 5 April 2015
Ok Bangaram Movie Audio Launch
Mani Ratnam's Ok Bangaram Movie Audio Launch/ Mani Ratnam's Ok Bangaram Telugu Movie Audio Launch/ Nani, Siri Vennela, Dil Raju in Ok Bangaram Telugu Movie Audio Launch
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Dongaata Song Launch At Radio Mirchi - Lakshmi Manchu, Raghu Kunche, Adivi Seshu
Dongaata Movie Song launch at Radio Mirchi/ Lakshmi Manchu, Raghu Kunche and Adivi Seshu in Dongaata Song Launch at Radio Mirchi.
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Yevade Subramanyam Interview - Nani, Vijay Devarakonda, Nag Ashwin
Yevade Subramanyam Team Interview with Hero Nani, Vijay Devarakonda and Director Nag Ashwin
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Yaandiro Song by Lakshmi Manchu || Dongaata Movie - Making Video
Manchu Lakshmi Song "Yaandiro" for Dongaata Movie - Making Video/ Making of Yaandiro Song by Lakshmi Manchu for Dongaata Movie/ Making Video of Dongaata Movie Song Yaandiro/ Raghu Kunche, Adivi Seshu, Manchu Lakshmi in making video of Yaandiro Song for Dongaata Movie/ Dongaata Movie Trailer/ Dongaata Making Video/ Dongaata Movie Making Video/ Dongaata Teaser/ Dongaata Songs/ Dongaata Movie Songs/ Dongaata Movie all songs Juke Box
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Friday, 3 April 2015
Puri's Son Akash Puri as hero in Andhra Pori Making Video
Andhra Pori Press Meet/ Puri Jagannath's Son Akash Puri as hero and Ulka Gupta as heroin in Andhra Pori/Prasad Productions New movie Andhra Pori - Puri Jagannath's Son Akash Puri and Ulka Gupta in lead roles/ Andhra Pori star cast/ Andhra Pori Theatrical Trailer/ Andhra Pori Songs/ Andhra Pori all Songs Juke Box/ Andhra Pori Scenes/ Andhra Pori Dialogue Trailer/ Andhra Pori Trailer/ Andhra Pori Teaser/ Andhra Pori Song Trailer/ Andhra Pori Movie Making Visuals/ Andhra Pori Behind the scenes
#AkashPuri #UlkaGupta
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Thursday, 2 April 2015
Avunu Making Video
Avunu Movie Making Video/ Ravi Babu Avunu Movie Making Video/ Avunu Movie Theatrical Trailer/ Avunu Movie Trailer/ Avunu Trailer/ Avunu Teaser/ Avunu Songs/ Avunu Movie Songs/ Avunu Movie all songs Juke Box/ Avunu Movie crew and star cast/ Avunu First Look/ Avunu Movie Review/ Avunu movie Public talk/ Avunu Film Producer Ravi Babu
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Andhrapori Movie Press Meet
Andhra Pori Press Meet/ Puri Jagannath's Son Akash Puri as hero and Ulka Gupta as heroin in Andhra Pori/Prasad Productions New movie Andhra Pori - Puri Jagannath's Son Akash Puri and Ulka Gupta in lead roles/ Andhra Pori star cast/ Andhra Pori Theatrical Trailer/ Andhra Pori Songs/ Andhra Pori all Songs Juke Box/ Andhra Pori Scenes/ Andhra Pori Dialogue Trailer/ Andhra Pori Trailer/ Andhra Pori Teaser/ Andhra Pori Song Trailer/ Andhra Pori Movie Making Visuals/ Andhra Pori Behind the scenes
#AkashPuri #UlkaGupta
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S/o Satyamurthy Promotional Song - One & Two & Trivikram (3vikram)
Son Of Satyamurthy Promotional song with Allu Arjun, Devi Sri Prasad for Release date anouncement/ S/o Satyamurthy Release date Trailer/ S/o Satyamurthy 1234 Song teaser with Allu Arjun, Devi Sri Prasad/ Son of Satyamurthy Songs/ Son of Satyamurthy all songs Juke Box/ S/o Satyamurthy Release teaser/ Son of Satyamurthy Starcast/ S/o Satyamurthy Song Teaser
Allu Arjun, Samantha, Nitya Menon, Rajendra Prasad, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Ali, MS Narayana, Brahmanandam, Upendra, Pavitra Lokesh, Sneha, Rao Ramesh are main star cast. Produced by Radha Krishna. Music by Devi Sri Prasad. Directed by Trivikram Srinivas
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Wednesday, 1 April 2015
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